My E-Portfolio

ENG 2010 

This is the dedicated area where I will upload material from my English 2010 class (2017 Spring Semester). I look forward to sharing my best work with everyone and hope that someone can learn, or be able to relate to something, from my experience in this class. Thank you.


English 2010 was a very much appreciated course. This class enhanced my abilities to writing, researching, and graphing. This course was very exciting and I loved identifying ways to express myself through the many topics my instructor advised us to do. Engaging with my peers gave me more confidence through the course and all my discussion where all helpful when I asked my peers for feedback.

My favorite part of English 2010 was my position paper. I was reluctant at first on what I would choose as a topic and how I would persuade my audience to see my view. My position paper was one of the most challenging pieces and the one I worked on the most. In my position paper, I touched on the controversial and universal topic of abortions and how I stand on the issue. I revised this paper by giving a broad view in the beginning of people’s opinions. I held my final stance of what I conclude till the end of the paper after illustrating my facts and research. I gave my belief and why I feel the way I do. I gave a stronger stance into the pro-choice lifestyle although abortion would not be my choice. I stayed neutral in the debate but clearly gave reasons why abortions should remain legal. I added more visual communications to the paper giving a better stance to my decision. My audience is women who may struggle with the decision of having an abortion and religious leaders who may judge and shun them. I felt I was sincere, reasonable, and concerned to know so many women can lose the choice of the procedure if voted through any legislation. I explained that women need abortions for health concerns, financial instability, and forceful impregnation. As long as a mass majority stay fighting for their rights through time it will not be a worry. Many people worry about many things and I felt that no woman should have to worry or suffer when face with a life changing decision. My stance on abortions has changed, I believe that women need to take caution of themselves and have the option to safely decide whats best during difficult times.

When I revised my group meme I corrected some paragraphs giving the reader a better understanding of what I am conveying. In this paper, my group chose to report on derailed train wrecks. I found the most powerful image and came up with a meme to suit the picture. I revised this piece by placing the text to the image and rearranged the beginning. My intended audience is city officials and UTA agents. I expressed how they need to come together with a more sufficient plan to prevent such a catastrophe.

When I revised my photo essay, I took away all simple images and replaced it with real life photographs. I gave it a better style so it has an internet appeal to circulate and grab my readers attention. I made it more professional and focused on the images I wanted to demonstrate to convey my position without too many words. When revising this piece is the moment I reached my conscious level that I am pro-choice abortions. My audience is women struggling with the decision and giving them hope that they do not have to feel/ stand alone.

When revising my info graphics, I simply took out a lot of useless and overwhelming information. I wanted to make it simpler to my reader and appealing to the eye. My info graphic was to appeal to family law on domestic violence and the severity of its ongoing and rapid issue in the United States. My audience is men and women who are struggling with help and need facts to visualize the problem.

Overall, I enjoyed every part of this class and look forward to writing more about my passions and the logic's that stand behind them. I learned that when you write about something that you are afraid to touch on you become stronger in your beliefs. I was afraid to touch on abortions but found my stance, I was afraid to speak on domestic violence but raised to understand more. I interviewed people and researched through books and the internet to discover my findings. I learned to relax more and not be afraid of the unknown but rather challenge my fears so I no longer feel defeated. I like to believe I brought positive awareness to some dark issues. Hopefully to someone who may live in fear and suffer under victimization. My goal was to “shake the boat” a little bit and touch on things that others find hard to fathom. This class has helped me greatly and I hope my papers or a paper can be a revelation to someone else as well.



                                                                                                 La Triece Williams




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